Details:  Doolittle is a 2 player 2D game set in World War II based on the historical event the ‘Doolittle raid’, where two players team up to complete a mission to bomb Tokyo, Japan. One player takes on the role of a  US bomber plane, while the other flies a US fighter plane to provide an escort. Enemy fight planes will intercept the bomber and fighter plane and attempt to prevent the mission from succeeding. 

The controls for the bomber are:

Press the left arrow key to turn the bomber left.

Press the right arrow key to turn the bomber right.

Left mouse button to shoot

Press M to drop bombs

The controls for the fighter are:

Hold W to increase speed.

Hold S to decrease speed.

Press A to turn left.

Press D to turn right.

Press Space to shoot

Follow the arrow pointer in front of the bomber to find your target!

Good luck in your mission to bomb the objective!

Disclaimer: This game is designed and intended for historical purposes only.

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